管理番号 | 新品 :40321389 | 発売日 | 2024/09/19 | 定価 | 12,800円 | 型番 | 40321389 | ||
カテゴリ |
▽FOUNDRY FLS648 FastIron LS 648 48ポート L3スイッチ
FOUNDRY Networks製 FastIron LS 648 48ポート L3スイッチ です。
Model No.:FLS648
Parts No.:FLS648
以下、スタートアップ出力およびshow version/flash/chassisです。
FGS Boot Code Version 05.0.00
Enter "b" to stop at boot ...
BOOT INFO: load monitor from primary, size = 243149
Appln_Monitor:root_task: ***local_overide = 0***
BOOT INFO: load image from primary
Brocade PPC filter after decompression
BOOT INFO: bootparam at 0013ca6c, mp_flash_size = 002befb7
BOOT INFO: code decompression completed
BOOT INFO: branch to 00400100
Starting Main Task ...Pre Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
Parsing Config Data ...
INFO: empty config data in the primary area, try to read from backup
INFO: empty config data in the backup area also
Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
UNIT 1: compiled on Apr 10 2015 at 22:28:01 labeled as FGS07202n
(2879415 bytes) from Primary FGS07202n.bin
SW: Version 07.2.02nT7e1
Boot-Monitor Image size = 416213, Version:05.0.00T7e5 (Fev2)
HW: Stackable FLS648
UNIT 1: SL 1: FLS-48G 48-port Management Module
Serial #: AN********
P-ENGINE 0: type D804, rev 01
P-ENGINE 1: type D804, rev 01
400 MHz Power PC processor 8248 (version 130/2014) 66 MHz bus
512 KB boot flash memory
30720 KB code flash memory
STACKID 1 system uptime is 5 seconds
The system : started=warm start reloaded=by "reload"
FLS648 Switch>
FLS648 Switch>en
No password has been assigned yet...
FLS648 Switch#
FLS648 Switch#show version
Copyright (c) 1996-2010 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
UNIT 1: compiled on Apr 10 2015 at 22:28:01 labeled as FGS07202n
(2879415 bytes) from Primary FGS07202n.bin
SW: Version 07.2.02nT7e1
Boot-Monitor Image size = 416213, Version:05.0.00T7e5 (Fev2)
HW: Stackable FLS648
UNIT 1: SL 1: FLS-48G 48-port Management Module
Serial #: AN********
P-ENGINE 0: type D804, rev 01
P-ENGINE 1: type D804, rev 01
400 MHz Power PC processor 8248 (version 130/2014) 66 MHz bus
512 KB boot flash memory
30720 KB code flash memory
STACKID 1 system uptime is 1 minutes 42 seconds
The system : started=warm start reloaded=by "reload"
FLS648 Switch#
FLS648 Switch#show flash
Stack unit 1:
Compressed Pri Code size = 2879415, Version 07.2.02nT7e1 (FGS07202n.bin)
Compressed Sec Code size = 3183027, Version 07.2.02nT7e1 (FGSL07202n.bin)
Compressed Boot-Monitor Image size = 416213, Version 05.0.00T7e5
Code Flash Free Space = 24903680
FLS648 Switch#
FLS648 Switch#show chassis
The stack unit 1 chassis info:
Power supply 1 (NA - AC - Regular) present, status ok
Power supply 2 not present
Fan 1 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]23
Fan 2 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]23
Fan 3 ok, speed (auto): [[1]]23
Fan controlled temperature: 50.0 deg-C
Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:
Speed 1: NM53 deg-C
Speed 2: 3755 deg-C
Speed 3: 50 90 deg-C (shutdown)
Sensor B Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 50.0 deg-C
Sensor A Temperature Readings:
Current temperature : 40.5 deg-C
Warning level.......: 85.0 deg-C
Shutdown level......: 90.0 deg-C
Boot Prom MAC : 001b.ed**.****
Management MAC: 001b.ed**.****
FLS648 Switch#
ランク1 新品(含む開封品) ランク2 動作確認済品/美品! ランク3 動作確認済品/通常品で年相応 ランク4 動作確認済品/説明の通り一部難有りだが、他の機能的支障無し ランク5 現状品/動いていた物だがテスト環境が無いので最低限のチェックのみ ランク6 現状品/物の正体不明の為、現状売り ランク7 現状品/修理すれば確実に動くが修理する時間が無いのでジャンク扱い ランク8 故障品/動作確認の結果、壊れているのでジャンク扱い ランク9 その他(本文内を見て下さい)