富士久細工用極豆鉋八丁組15mm_木型屋 L50 Japanese FUJIHISA MAME-KANNA, Plane Set of 8, 15mm. 説明 Description ブランド Brand name 富士久 Fujihisa,fujikyu 台鉋 Plane 豆鉋新品 Mini plane. Plane Set of 8 台種 Plane kind 平、平反り、外丸、内丸、外四方反り、内四方反り、右際、左際 Flat Plane. Curved bottom plane. Spoon bottom plane. Round convex Plane. Curved concave round bottom plane. Round concave Plane. Rabbet Right Plane. Rabbet Left Plane. 刃寸 Blade width size 15mm 鉋刃仕様 Blade making 複合材鋼付け、鍛造打ち、槌すり目仕上げ Blade is made from a composite materials soft iron and SK#5 steel. 鉋刃材質 Blade 鋼・SK#5、地金・極軟鋼 SK#5 Steel. Soft iron. 鉋台材質 Plane block 樫磨き台 Japanese White Oak (SIRO-KASI). It is smooth, and polish finish. 鉋台寸 長さ*高さ*幅 Plane block size 長さ約(About length) 50mm 高さ約(About thickness)15mm 幅約(About width) 24mm お知らせ Information ◆!かんたん決済
Japanese FUJIHISA MAME-KANNA, Plane Set of 8, 15mm.
Description ブランド
Brand name
Fujihisa,fujikyu 台鉋
Plane 豆鉋新品
Mini plane. Plane Set of 8
Plane kind 平、平反り、外丸、内丸、外四方反り、内四方反り、右際、左際
Flat Plane. Curved bottom plane.
Spoon bottom plane. Round convex Plane.
Curved concave round bottom plane. Round concave Plane.
Rabbet Right Plane. Rabbet Left Plane. 刃寸
Blade width size 15mm 鉋刃仕様
Blade making 複合材鋼付け、鍛造打ち、槌すり目仕上げ
Blade is made from a composite materials soft iron and SK#5 steel. 鉋刃材質
Blade 鋼・SK#5、地金・極軟鋼
SK#5 Steel. Soft iron. 鉋台材質
Plane block 樫磨き台
Japanese White Oak (SIRO-KASI). It is smooth, and polish finish. 鉋台寸 長さ*高さ*幅
Plane block size 長さ約(About length) 50mm
高さ約(About thickness)15mm
幅約(About width) 24mm お知らせ