4 Ways to Implement Attraction Marketing into your Network Marketing Business
How would you feel about your network marketing business if you had prospects contacting you every day, ready and excited to buy your products or join your team?
This can be a reality for your business when you implement attraction marketing strategies on a consistent basis over time.
So what exactly is attraction marketing?
Attraction marketing is about becoming irresistible in the eyes of your prospects so they seek you out rather than having to chase your prospects.
You want to position your business to attract the audience that will be the most receptive to what you have to offer as opposed to just knocking down everyone’s door and blatantly pitching your service or product.
How exactly do you do that?
Let’s dive into 4 attraction marketing tips you can start implementing to become irresistible in the eyes of your prospects:
TIP #1. Increase your value.
You are one in thousands of distributors marketing the exact same products and opportunity as everyone else in your company. And, there are dozens of other MLM companies offering similar products with a similar business opportunity attached.
So why would someone buy from you or join your team?
The truth is that people don’t buy a product or an opportunity; they buy into YOU.
You become the value proposition that attracts new people to your business every day.
If you have little confidence in yourself or your business, or you don’t have value to offer to others quite yet, prospects aren’t going to flock to you.
To attract customers, you need to increase your value to the world by acquiring new skills. That means you should be constantly learning, implementing and then teaching what you know to your prospects, customers, and team members.
Get in the habit of spending time each day learning; we recommend focusing on both business development (skills) and personal development (mindset).
Read books, listen to podcasts, take e-courses, go to a conference, get involved in a mastermind or sign up for a membership that offers continued learning. The more you learn, the more you’re able to share with the world. And the more you share, the more the world will view you as a leader and influencer.
TIP #2. Brand yourself.
As an independent distributor, you’re probably really excited about your products. After all, if you didn’t believe in them you wouldn’t sell them, right?
While it’s important to be passionate about your products, it’s important to remember that your brand is NOT just an extension of your parent company’s brand. Instead, your brand needs to promote YOU and YOUR VALUE.
Branding puts the law of attraction into play. Again, when you brand yourself, YOU become the expert in the eyes of many. As others see you as an expert they seek you out to help them with their issues, find the answers to their questions and to find solutions.
You say, “but I’m not an expert yet”…
You don’t have to have a Ph.D. or half a dozen years of experience. It’s as simple as helping someone who is a step or two behind where you are today or even enrolling someone in your vision.
Use the Ideal Client FREE worksheet in our Resource Library to help identify your avatar; then help your target audience get results. A result can be something simple like inspiring your audience, making them laugh, teaching them a business tip, showing them how to create a certain look, etc. Results can be anything that helps your target audience improve in their life.
The bottom line is that people buy from people they know, like and trust. The best way to build that reputation –as a trusted adviser who recommends solid products to serve their audience– is to create a personal brand.
Read more: 3 Reasons to Create a Personal Brand
TIP #3. Create Content.
The best way to share the value you’ve acquired and start attracting customers to you is to create relevant and useful content with the world.
The product-pitch marketing model is dying. Sales pitches are often off-putting and can repel prospects and customers. Why? Because that sales model is selfishly focused. You’re constantly thinking about how you can make another sale, add another recruit or get to the next rank advancement.
However, when you implement content marketing, the focus is about helping your customer solve their issues and get what they want in life.
Use tools like a personal website to start blogging or vlogging. Then share those articles or videos with an email subscriber list and/or on social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. You can also share that content on “living platforms” like YouTube and Pinterest to reach more people (even while you sleep).
With a solid content marketing strategy, you can create your message one time and have it live on and re-shared over and over again to attract customers to you and your network marketing business.
TIP #4. Scale Your Relationships.
Believe it or not, implementing online attraction marketing strategies will actually help you build relationships faster and connect with your targeted audience on a larger scale.
(If you’re a professed introvert, this is GREAT news for you — no more 1:1 sales pitches, awkward family prospecting calls, or drumming up conversations with strangers at the mall.) #signmeup
You see, content marketing, email marketing, and social media allow people to get to know you without having one on one conversations. As your audience connects to YOU (not your MLM company), they become raving fans who appreciate what you have to offer, know, like, and trust you, and are more prone to become your ongoing customers.
Let me ask you… Who do you feel a deep connection to but you don’t personally know?
It could be a celebrity, an athlete, a blogger, a YouTuber, business mentor or a real-life hero you admire. Even though you don’t know them personally, you follow them because they add value to your life in some way. Maybe they entertain you, teach you something, help you overcome and obstacle, or inspire you, for example. And when those people make recommendations about products to try or places to go — you lean in and listen. You trust their judgment because of their influence.
The good news is that you too can become someone of influence — no celebrity status required.
Your relationships will flourish as you…
- consistently show up in your business
- tap into your own personal brand power
- and share your value with the world
Remember, it doesn’t matter whether you have a tribe of 25 or 25,000. What matters is the quality of your connection with your fans and followers.
It’s important to note that implementing attraction marketing into your business is a “long-game play.”
Meaning, it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes strategy, action, and consistency over time; but once it’s implemented you’ll be able to leave a lasting impact in not only your own life but in lives of those around you.
And if you’re ready to take your network marketing business to the next level and attract customers to YOU rather than chasing after them, sign up for your FREE 30-day membership trial and let us show you exactly what to do, and how to do it.